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25 Unique Renaissance Baby Names for Girls That Still Sound Excellent

Who doesn’t love a good list of baby names? Whether you’re searching for the perfect name for your baby-to-be or just like to see what’s popular, unique, or trending, our friends at Mamas Uncut are experts at finding and providing context around today’s top baby names. Below, check out a few of our favorite recent baby name picks, and then check out the full list for even more great baby name options.


25 Unique Renaissance Baby Names for Girls That Still Sound Excellent

Caterina is another Florentine name with Greek origins. The name has the same roots as Katherine and means “pure.” Caterina or Catharina van Hemessen was a Flemish Renaissance painter and the earliest female Flemish painter for whom there is verifiable extant work. Female artists were extremely rare at the time. Yet, her name and art still live on today and are most cherished.


Rigarda is the forgotten Italian form of the Old German name Richard. The name means “dominant ruler.” Rigarda is not even used in Italy today! That’s how obscure this Florentine name is! We’re rather fond of this name and think it could definitely be brought back to life.


While we always think of Anastasia as a Russian name, it actually has Greek origins and was very popular among Italian Renaissance women and Europeans more broadly. Anastasia is the feminine form on Anastasius, a Greek name derived from the word anastasis, meaning “resurrection.” It was a common name among early Christians, who often gave it to daughters born around Christmas or Easter.

Did you like those baby names? There’s plenty more where they came frome. Be sure to check out Mamas Uncut for the full list and for more great baby name ideas!