Can Kids With Asthma Play Sports?

Can Kids With Asthma Play Sports?

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QUESTION: Can Kids With Asthma Play Sports?

“Can kids with asthma play sports? My son is five and really wants to play soccer, but he suffers from asthma, and I am afraid of him having an asthma attack while playing. If your kiddo has asthma, how do you keep them safe while playing? Can kids with asthma play sports?

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Can Kids With Asthma Play Sports?

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I have exercise-induced asthma but it wasn’t bad enough that I couldn’t play sports. Just always makes sure (if his doctor says it’s OK) to have an inhaler. On the really humid days, I just took my normal puffs as a preventive because it typically would make it worse anyways. It always helped!”

“I know several kids that take dance classes to help build their lung strength due to asthma. I know it’s not the same but it helps so they can try other sports; maybe not soccer but others.”

“My daughter developed sports-induced asthma as a teenager…..she just made sure she had an extra inhaler in her bat bag.”

“Absolutely!! My son was diagnosed with asthma when he was around 7 years old. He played peewee football until he was old enough for school sports and played football for his school from 6th-12th grade. The most important thing for you to do as a parent schedules a meeting with your child’s doctor and develop a detailed asthma action plan. Once your plan is in place provide it to the school or social organization he will be playing through and make sure the coaches and medical personnel for the league are familiar with it. Also always ensure your child has ready access to rescue medications (generally an inhaler) during all practices and games.”

“Really depends how bad it is, one of my daughters has mild asthma and knows how to pace herself and take a break when she’s feeling like she can’t breathe. Always keep an inhaler handy too!

“My 3-year-old daughter has asthma. She takes a daily pill and has a rescue inhaler. She plays soccer and does ballet.”

“I’ve had it all my life. As long as it’s well-controlled and he’s on a preventative medication as well as has a rescue inhaler, he should be fine. My doctor’s always encouraged me to swim. It helps asthmatics somehow, can’t remember how lol! Anyway, talk with his doctor and get a treatment plan together for him and let him play and enjoy it. I take Singulair and have an Albuterol rescue inhaler. Hope this helps!”

“My daughter has severe asthma. Hospitalized frequently. She plays soccer and is very active! She loves it, we had to teach her her limits and taking breaks, but she does well and is the top player on her team despite the challenges she faces.”

“I played sports! A lot of what asthma is, is learning your limits and how to slow your breathing. My rescue inhaler was for the moments I pushed too hard.”

“Controlled with medication, start allergy shots this month, always have an emergency inhaler on the ready.”

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Sara Vallone has been a writer and editor for the last four and a half years. A graduate of Ohio University, she enjoys celebrity news, sports, and articles that enhance people's lives.

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