Japanese Wrestling Star Hana Kimura Commits Suicide Following Bout With Cyberbullying, Now the Country Is Making Changes

Japanese Wrestling Star Hana Kimura Reportedly Committed Suicide Following Bout With Cyberbullying, Now the Country Is Making Changes

Japanese Wrestling Star Hana Kimura Reportedly Committed Suicide Following Bout With Cyberbullying, Now the Country Is Making Changes

On May 23, professional wrestler and star of Netflix’s “Terrace House,” Hana Kimura died. According to CNN, she was just 22 years old at the time of her unexpected passing.

Kimura’s death was confirmed in a statement made by the organization that represented the young star, World Wonder Ring Stardom. “Hana marched to the beat of her own drum. She was funny, charismatic and a truly kind person,” the Twitter statement began.

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“The worldwide outpouring of emotion has been a blessing to the Stardom family,” the statement concluded. “Surely Hana is looking down and smiling at all of the love. Be kind to one another, and thank you.”

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わたしのだいじなファイブスター。 ‪ わたしは昔から‬ ‪周りと馴染むのが苦手で、‬ ‪集団行動が苦手で、‬ ‪引っ込んでる杭のつもりが出てて、打たれたりしてた。🔨‬ ‪1人は慣れっこで、1番自分を出せて、1番楽しい。‬ だから私はこのファイブスターグランプリが楽しみで仕方ない。 去年はめきしこにいて不参加。 一昨年は大江戸隊に所属していて同門対決をした。(その頃は大江戸隊を家族だと思っていたから騙された悔しさと負けた悔しさで口をすぼめた。。) 今年はTCSというユニットを作ったけど、別にあいつらと仲良しこよしするつもりはない。 幸い同じブロックにユニットメンバーはいないけど。(決勝で会えるかな。) だから今の私には何も失う物はないし、私1人で全ての力を出せるって思うと本当に楽しみで仕方がない。 スターダムという団体に上がり始めてから掲げている目標は、 「スターダムを侵略する」 これは今でもずっとブレてない。 TCSを作ってから、 どこのユニットよりも1番多いメンバーで アーティスト・オブ・スターダム(トリオ)のベルトも巻いて 少しずつだけど侵略できてると思う。 でも決定的な何かが足りないんだ。。 私がトップだって証明できるモノが。 今までチャンスがなかった訳じゃない。そこで勝てなかった私がいた。 私はシングルマッチが大好きだ。 でも、実際スターダムでまだ一度もシングルのベルトを巻いた事がない。 シンデレラトーナメント(シングルマッチのトーナメント)でも優勝した事がない。 なんにも結果が出せてない。 これじゃあただの 理想ばかり語る口だけヒネくれぼっちだ。 だから私は1人で良かったと、今まで1人でやってきて良かったんだと思える結果が欲しい。 仲間がいなくて寂しかったあの頃の私を 仲間を裏切って本当にこれで良かったんだろうかと思ったあの夜を 結果を出せていない今を….. ….全て許して抱きしめちゃいたい! だから私にとって今年のファイブスターグランプリは凄く凄く大事で凄く凄く楽しみな大会なんだ!! 失われた青春を取り戻す為にスターダムに入団したのだけれども(あと侵略する為)悪いが、私は私の為に私の傷を癒す為だけに青春させてもらう!!!! この技と共にッッ! "Hydrangea" 「移り気」「冷淡」「辛抱強さ」「冷酷」「無情」「高慢」 ・かつてのパートナー、そして敬愛すべき負け犬の花月からタップを奪った素晴らしき日の帰り道、綺麗な紫陽花が咲いていたんだ。

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In an additional statement made in her native Japanese on World Wonder Ring Stardom’s official website, the company added that some of the details of her death have not yet been grasped.

“Our company player Hana Kimura passed away today on May 23. We apologize for the sudden concern and sorrow for our fans and all concerned. Regarding the details, there are some parts that we have not yet grasped, and we will continue to cooperate with the investigation between the parties concerned. We deeply pray for Hana Kimura. We will inform you about the future in consultation with her relatives. We will also strive to care for the minds of other players.”

On the same day as her death, Kimura took to Instagram to share a photo of her pet kitten. There were also words written on her photo. As CNN reports her message translates to, “I love you. Live a happy, long life. I’m sorry.”

Now reports are suggesting that Kimura’s death was the result of a suicide spurred by months of intense cyberbullying. According to CNN, after the news of her passing broke, fans quickly began the many people pointing to the recent and extreme online abuse the wrestler faced on social media.

As StopBullying.org reports, “the 2017 School Crime Supplement indicated that, among students ages 12-18 who reported being bullied at school during the school year, 15-percent were bullied online or by text. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that an estimated 14.9-percent of high school students were electronically bullied in the 12 months prior to the survey.”

It’s believed the cyberbullying began as a result of the latest episode of her Netflix show “Terrace House,” which involved an argument between her and another cast member. But while reports of suicide have not been confirmed, Japan’s Minister of Internal Affairs and Communication, Sanae Takaichi, “pledged to speed up government discussions around cyberbullying legislation,” according to CNN.

And while bullying is often not a direct cause of suicide, StopBullying.org reports that “research indicates persistent bullying can lead to or worsen feelings of isolation, rejection, exclusion, and despair, as well as depression and anxiety, which can contribute to suicidal behavior.”

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And Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga agrees with Takaichi’s actions. “It is important to improve literacy on the internet so that users won’t use comments to hurt others with slander,” he said during a press conference.

Kyodo News also reports that a source revealed there were “several suicide notes were also found in her room.” Our thoughts and prayers are with Kimura’s family and friends during this difficult time.

Sara Vallone has been a writer and editor for the last four and a half years. A graduate of Ohio University, she enjoys celebrity news, sports, and articles that enhance people's lives.

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