Should Kids Be Forced To Play Sports?

Should Kids Be Forced To Play Sports?

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QUESTION: Should Kids Be Forced To Play Sports?

“My husband and I are currently having a debate about sports and our children. We have two teenage boys. My 16-year-old is very athletic and has played sports since he was a toddler. Our other son is 13 and played as a toddler and here and there as a child but never really got into sports much. I don’t think he should play if he doesn’t want to, but my husband thinks he should so he can “stay out of trouble”. What are your thoughts?”

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Should Kids Be Forced To Play Sports?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“We had the same one boy into sports the other not so much. My husband and I agreed not to make him do something he doesn’t like, doesn’t enjoy. Find out what interests him and help him to do that.”

“I would find out what your child likes to do. His strengths. My husband was a sports guy. We only have one child, an 8yo daughter. She is definitely not into sports. He is ok with that. Her strengths and desires are arts, crafts, and helping others. Try to encourage him to find his so he can figure out what to do.”

“I don’t think they should be forced into playing anything they don’t enjoy. I’d find something they like. My daughter was in karate for awhile but ended up not liking it so I didn’t force it. I’m going to sign her up for gymnastics because she enjoys that more.”

“Maybe see if he’s interested in music or you could always ask him what he wants to do.. I wouldn’t force him to do anything but maybe meet dad in the middle and tell your youngest to test the waters and try out different activities.. There are more extracurricular activities than sports, just find some things going on around your area or programs that the school offer and tell him to pick one.”

“I think it’s good for them to have a thing but it doesn’t necessarily need to be sports. I was the music/band geek myself. Find something he likes. An instrument, martial arts, painting, building cars, or whatever.”

“There are things besides sports to be involved in. Never push your child to play something hes not interested in. Ask your husband how he would feel if you insisted on him doing ballet. Same thing.”

“Personally, I think it’s important for kids to have something to focus their attention on. With that being said, sports isn’t always the answer.”

“There’s plenty of activities for kids besides sports, find out what he’s interested in and enroll him in those.”

“Sometimes kids just need a little push to be involved in something. Make him choose something. Maybe it’s music.”

“I don’t believe it has to be sports but I think all kids should be involved in at least one activity whether it’s sports, martial arts, music lessons, choir, art classes, theater, swimming, lacrosse- doesn’t matter what just something to have them involved making friends learning responsibilities etc etc etc.”

“There are so many other options to explore to “stay out of trouble” if get him enrolled in what interests him.”

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