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My Fiancé and I Have Had an Ongoing Disagreement About My Daughter and Her Cheer Career, Should I Make Her Quit?

My Fiancé and I Have Had an Ongoing Disagreement About My Daughter and Her Cheer Career, Should I Make Her Quit?


This question was submitted to our community via our Facebook page and/or our Answers forum. Responses are also taken from the community. If you have your own parenting or relationship question you would like answers to, submit on Facebook or Answers.


“Little back story, my two kids and I moved in with my fiance and his 2 kids, we have all 4 full time. His 2 aren’t into any travel sports and really sports at a competitive level at all. My daughter is almost 11 and has done All-Star cheer going on her 4th season. She has busted her butt to be where she is, the main flier, and working on her full and layouts. (In the cheer world this is a top-level skill, she has worked tirelessly to get here).

With All-Star cheer comes some travel, especially since we live in the middle of nowhere, he feels she shouldn’t cheer because the other 3 kids don’t get to do travel sports. It’s not that they don’t get to, his oldest is almost 14 and never has because his mom and dad didn’t get him into it. I am the one who turned my daughter towards cheer & she happened to love it. My parents 100-percent supported us and if we showed dedication and hard work at something then we had their endless support. This is how I am with my kids, his kids as well.

If one of the other 3 came to us and wanted to join a team they would absolutely be able to. I am not in any way going to stop them.

I guess my point is, am I wrong for letting my daughter continue to cheer? Just because my life changed and I moved my kids from their hometown & school I don’t feel I should rip her from Cheer as well. I don’t know what to do to get him to understand the time, love, and hard work she has put into this. It’s the one thing I feel that’s keeping her grounded right now. Should I make her stop?”

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“She should absolutely continue, she earned it. It’s not her fault the others chose not to do anything.”

“Girl! You already know if you pull her from cheer it’s wrong to do that and she will probably rebel. Tell him it’s not negotiable plain and simple.”

“I feel like your daughter has worked hard for something, why should it be taken away. If you can afford the travel, and you are happy with the time commitment then what is the issue? It’s clearly something she loves. Maybe the other kids need to get into something if they are feeling left out.”

“He sounds petty, how can he even suggest she stop doing what she loves just because the other 3 children aren’t participating in anything.”

“Let her cheer! It’s good for kids to have an outlet. I had to give up gymnastics and always wish that I didn’t have to.”

“It is one thing to water yourself down for him…but do not make your daughter water herself down for anybody. It’s none of his business.”

“Don’t take cheer from her, he can either get on board or get out the door.”

“Absolutely not! Everyone should be supporting her and her cheer. My boys are gamers and take it seriously. One plays on the chess team. We support their passions and talents. Every kid is different.”

“I don’t think your daughter should be at a disadvantage because the others choose to not have a sport. I personally think it’s an unfair expectation. Like a previous comment said, get on board or get out the door. Your child deserves to compete after she’s worked so hard and it’s such a great thing for kids to have a passion and drive.”

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